In earlier blogs I have mentioned the “Blitz” when the Nazi Luftwaffe targeted London and other major cities. It caused great devastation and loss of life and had we not built the superb Spitfire fighter planes, piloted by highly skilled men of the RAF, we could have lost the war. However, it is generally accepted that the Spitfires, the anti-aircraft guns on the ground (often operated by the Home Guard – Dad's Army on TV) that finally won the battle of the skies. However, Hitler, Goering, Rommel etc. were far from conceding defeat and London became the target of the Nazi's latest weapon – the “Doodle-bug” which was an explosive bomb with an engine but had no pilot. It had a very distinctive drone and we soon realised that, if we hear the drone clearly we are fairly safe but if the drone cut out – TAKE COVER!!, the bomb would land and explode a few seconds later. I had one such experience as I walked home, rather late, down Fulham Palace Road. I could hear the drone of the doodle-bug loud and clear then, suddenly, it stopped. There was nobody around as I jumped (can you believe it?!) for cover into a shop doorway where I waited until I heard a muffled explosion, before hurrying home thanking my God and Saviour for His care and protection.
As the Rev.Milton Binggham puts it in his popular hymn, “What have I to fear, what have I to dread, leaning on the Everlasting Arms?” Or the more recent hymn by Stuart Townend “from life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny”.
Whether it is Nazi bombs or Covid 19, isn't it wonderfully reassuring to know that, as committed believers in Jesus Christ, our times are in His hands. And as you finish reading this blog why not give a loud HALLELUJAH!!